Next part, we'll introduce ways on open a snapchat message without them knowing. If the icon turns grey, it means that the snap has expired.A hollow blue square appears when someone opened the chat.The purple color appears when the message is seen with the audio turned on.A hollow red square indicates that the message is viewed with the sound being turned off.Snapchat provides you with different types of icons depending on your message. If they have opened it, then it will come up with their name and say "Seen" by "Username". Another way you can find your message status is by holding down on the text you have sent. You know your Snapchat message has been seen when the delivered message under their name changes to open. How To Know If a Message Is Read On Snapchat? FAQs About Snapchat Messages - Perhaps You're Concerned Way 3: Put Your Device into Airplane Mode.Way 2: Read Snapchat Messages without It Saying Opened.3 Ways On How to Open a Snapchat Message without Them Knowing How To Know If A Message Is Read On Snapchat? We have a few tricks here, and they are detailed in the article below. And when you tap on the Snapchat messages or stories sent to you, the sender will see an "Opened" label under your name and know you have read it.īut, there are still solutions for the problem of " how to read Snapchat messages without them knowing?". The standard of security is exceptionally high and the snap can get deleted after viewing. Snapchat is quite different compared to other social media apps. Question: Can you See Snapchat Messages Without Opening Them?